Season Tickets Fallas Valencia 2022



Season tickets Fallas Valencia 2022


Season tickets and spare tickets for Feria de Fallas 2022 are now available at TicketsToros.

Make your reservation online. Tickets will be sent to your hotel or any address in Spain 3 or 4 days before the fight. Under request, they can also be picked up at our office in Villafranca 4 Madrid, wich location can be seen below.

Saturday March 12th. Corrida de novillos (bullfight). Manuel Caballero, Nek Romero, Aarón Rull, Jarocho, Lenny Martins y Joel Ramírez (Valrubio)

Sunday March 13th. Corrida de toros (bullfight). Antonio Ferrera, Daniel Luque y Román (Victorino Martín)

Wednesday March 16th. Corrida de novillos (bullfight). El Niño de las Monjas, Álvaro Alarcón y Manuel Perera (El Pilar)

Thursday March 17th. Corrida de toros (bullfight). Morante de la Puebla, Juan Ortega y Pablo Aguado (Juan Pedro Domecq)

Friday March 18th. Corrida de toros (bullfight). Diego Urdiales, José María Manzanares y Roca Rey (Victoriano del Río)

Saturday March 19th (morning). Corrida de rejones (bullfight from horseback. Rui Fernandes, Diego Ventura y Lea Vicens (Los Espartales)

Saturday March 19th (evening). Corrida de toros (bullfight). El Juli, Manzanares y Emilio de Justo (Garcigrande)

Season tickets Fallas Valencia 2022…Feel free to contact with us for further information. We can be reached at Villafranca 4 Madrid, by tel. Tel + 34 915 764 533 or by mail





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Corrida a Madrid il 17 di Aprile 2022